Madden Kingdom Gameplay Rule Book


Madden Kingdom Gameplay Rulebook

This is NOT a sim league.  We want to strike a balance between some aspects of simulation football while also taking into account this is a video game and parts of competitive gaming are necessary. Tactics to gain an unfair advantage by tricking the AI or exploiting the game are illegal even if they are not specifically covered in the rules. Everything is subject to admin discretion, and can change at any given moment.

Code of Conduct

* 48 hour advance with 24 hour scheduling deadline.

* 0 tolerance for rage quitting.

League Settings

* Difficulty Level: All-Madden

*  Sim or Comp: Comp

* League Type: Any Type Of Coach

* Trade Deadline: On

* Salary Cap: On

* Relocation: Off

* Injuries: On

* Pre-Existing Injuries: Off

* Practice Squad Stealing: On (Beginning Week 2)

* Practice Squad Stealing: Turned Off Week 17

* Quarter Length: 8 Minutes

* Accelerated Clock: On (20 Sec)

* Custom Playbooks: No

* You cannot have a another user play for you, all your games should be played by YOU

* Play Cooldown: 5

* Player Lock: NOT allowed

Gameplay Rules



    * The same play can only be called ONCE per drive

    * The ball cannot be snapped while a player is in motion.  (No motion snapping)

    * Playmaker IS allowed.

4th Down Conversion Rules (The Rules stack)

    * Quarters 1 - 2 

        * Be within 5 yards and in the opponent's end of the field

        * Be within 3 yards and in between your 40 and the 50 yard line. 

        * When down by (21+) points, you can go for it in any situation and distance.

    * Quarter 3

        * When down by (8+) points, you can go for it in any situation and distance. 

        * When up by 8 or less, and within 5 yards of a first you may go for it anywhere 

    * Quarter 4

        * When losing by any amount, you may go for it in any situation and distance.

    * Overtime

        * You may go for it on any down and distance

* 2-pt Conversions

    * Use common sense.

    * Most real NFL teams go for two less than 50% of the time. No team goes for 2 every time. 

* Goal Line Offense

    * This offense is only allowed within your own OR your opponents 10 yard line.

    * If within 1 yard or less of a first down, it is allowed anywhere.


Special Teams

* Onside kicks are only allowed in the 2nd half, when losing

* No scum kicking/always kicking to fullback. Kick it all the way down.

    * You must be within 10 yards of a 1st down  when attempting a fake

    * Only ONE fake punt or field goal per GAME

CPU Games

* CPU games will NEVER be played. They will always be force simmed as a win for the non-CPU player. 

* If a DEV game is at stake, proof must be submitted to an admin (video of the Dev Breakout Scenario Requirements pregame not POST game, screenshots DONT count), and the DEV game will be pushed back to the next game in which the user faces a non-CPU opponent.

In Game Conduct

* Be respectful.

* Stat padding is NOT ALLOWED. Drain the clock in a blowout.

* Refrain from excessive pausing.

* If you feel like rules are being broken. Pause the game, try to discuss it with the player first, if this does not work speak with an admin immediately.

* If you have bad lag, other issue. Contact your opponent ASAP to see if they will restart the game. Do not decide to say something once you start losing. If they don’t respond, get with an Admin.

The 35 point rule

* Do not go up on your opponent by more than a margin of 35 points. 

    * Example – a score of 7-42 is legal because the margin is within 35 points 

    * Example – a score of 7-45 is illegal because the margin is over 35 points

* We take this rule seriously. If broken an immediate suspension will be given out based on the admin team’s judgement.

* If you are caught purposefully taking safeties to get your opponent in trouble, instead of your opponent getting the suspension - YOU will face the punishment. 

* If the - 35 point rule/avoiding stat padding - impedes on your ability to obtain a developmental upgrade it can be moved to the following week. Inform an admin of the situation as well as a screen shot of the dev scenario requirements.

* 35 point rule is SUSPENDED during the PLAYOFFS

Chew Clock

* If you are regularly running the play clock under 10 seconds before snapping the ball it's considered milking the clock.

* You can chew clock in these situations:

    * 1.) Agreed upon by both users

    * 2.) 2nd quarter and under 3 minutes.

    * 3.) 3rd quarter up by 28

    * 4.) 4th quarter and up by 14

    * 5.) 4th quarter, under 4 min, trying to secure a win

* You MUST chew clock, run the ball, and NOT score (punt) in this situation 

    * 6.) 4th quarter, if the game is out of reach (admin discretion)

League Management Rules

Streaming / Documenting

* Streaming OR clipping your game is Highly Encouraged.

    * You are encouraged to post a link in #stream-link when the game starts if it isn’t already there by MEE6.

    * It’s encouraged to stream in case a dispute happens so Admins can properly handle it.

* It is ILLEGAL to EVER view your opponents stream. This is to SAFEGUARD against stream sniping and attempting to look at the opponent's playcalling. 

    * If you are caught doing this, accident or not, you will be punished. 

Replaying Games, or connection issues

* If there is a disconnect, take a picture of it with your phone and post to chat. The players can reach an agreement on how to settle the game or the admins can assign a force win. 

* If you or your opponent lags out, the first thing you should do is note the exact score before the disconnect, who had the ball last, and where the ball was located on the field (50 yard line, redzone, etc.)

* You will then be required to recreate the point differential at the start of the rematch. There are very strict rules on how this will be done:

    * 1.) To avoid stat padding you MUST first and foremost @ an admin and inform them this is occurring and it must be STREAMED/CLIPPED.

    * 2.) Score with DIFFERENT players to recreate the differential. Let your opponent score untouched and vice versa to obtain the correct differential. 

    * 3.) Begin the game from close to where it left off (with the correct user having the ball who had it at disconnect).

* If a game ‘lags out’ and falls under any of these point restrictions (+-2) a Force Win will be given; however, these are also up to admin discretion based on context and can change when accounting for potential scores + time:

    * First Quarter - Up by 27+ 

    * Second Quarter - Up by 24+ 

    * Third Quarter - Up by 21+ 

    * Fourth Quarter - Up by 14+

    * Fourth Quarter and at/under 3 minutes - Up by 10+

* You ALSO have the option of a fresh reset meaning 0 spot me points. If you take this route BOTH users must AGREE to it otherwise it will not be considered.

* Try to work things out with your opponent. We can all be adults here. 

* If there is a major dispute, stop the game and ask an admin how to proceed. Nothing can be done once the game is over.

* Shady disconnects (after a key injury ect) could lead to punishment or removal.