Cradle Hub - Release Notes

The latest version of Cradle Hub is available to download from the Cradle website.


## [] - 2024-04-24
### Fixed: macOS
- Installation issues caused by background permissions
- Rosetta installation prompt no longer triggered on Apple Silicon
### Fixed: All OS
- Crash if quit during loading product list
- Jumping progress amount text during product install
- Product images are re-downloaded when Cradle Hub is launched
### Improved: macOS
- Prompt users to enable Cradle Hub login item if not enabled
- Include macOS crash logs when submitting error report
### Improved: Windows
- UAC elevation required less often
### Improved: All OS
- More detailed error logging


## [] - 2024-02-22
### Fixed:
- Crash during file downloading
- Crash due to file permissions
### Changed:
- Improved authorization reliability
- Idle performance optimization
### Known issues:
- Occasional product install failures on macOS 13+
- Occasional 'Platform not supported' error on macOS 13+


## [] - 2023-10-24
### Changed:
- Queue parallel downloads to improve stability


## [] - 2023-06-13
### Added:
- Product uninstallation
- Error report submission via Settings page
- Show account email address in top bar
- Dedicated beta tag and image overlay
### Changed:
- Accessibility: Improved screenreader navigation & button selection
- Improved error handling
### Fixed:
- WMI query failure on some Windows machines
- Error when attempting to install products from another macOS account
- 'Update available' text should be green instead of white


## [] - 2022-10-09
### Added: macOS
- macOS 13 Ventura support
- Native support for Apple Silicon machines
### Fixed: OS-agnostic
- PNGs are rendered incorrectly on hi-DPI screens
### Changed: OS-agnostic
- More efficient use of network resources
- Support for future beta distribution


## [] - 2022-06-22
### Fixed: macOS
- Unable to authorize if Mac hardware has been modified (1007 error)
### Fixed: OS-agnostic
- Incorrect error text when attempting to install to a full disk
- Updated EULA to add correct Cradle Support link
### Added: OS-agnostic
- Deactivated license now appears as such in the Cradle Hub GUI
- Link to Cradle Support added to installation error text
### Changed: OS-agnostic
- Improved logging for 400 errors
- Small GUI tweaks to product images and text color


[] - 2022-02-10
### Fixed: Windows
- Unicode characters affecting ability to launch Cradle Hub app
- UpdateLicenses task failing to run for some users
### Added:
- Clearer info on settings page regarding custom installation paths


[] - 2021-11-03
### Fixed: macOS
- Auth error when attempting to sign in on macOS 10.14 (Mojave)
### Fixed: Windows
- Incorrect fonts
### Fixed: OS-agnostic
- Trial license temporarily appearing as perpetual when signing out/in


[] - 2021-10-25
### Other:
- This is the first public release of Cradle Hub